Sophia was so excited to come home from school and tell me that she had "Cut and egg with Miss Helen". Miss Helen is her teacher and Sophia just loves her. She is very sweet and has a gentle nature about her. I know I have said before that Sophia loves to help me in the kitchen. I love to cook and I always loved cooking or watching my grandmother cook so it makes me extremely happy that Sophia has what seems like a natural love for being in the kitchen. We have made various things over the last year and a half one of which has been hard boiled eggs and then in turn made egg salad out of them. It was really amazing to see the excitement in her eyes when she told me that Miss Helen had a Hard boiled egg at school and that Miss Helen let her cut it up with the egg slicer. It was like she realized eggs were something that other people ate too. That eggs in fact existed outside of our very own kitchen. Montessori learning is very hands on approach to learning. It stresses independence and self reliance which I think builds great self esteem. We have always had this approach with Sophia in our home and she strives to do things for herself. Sophia was so proud that she cut that egg all by herself and she could not wait to share that with me.
We are loving the Montessori way...
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