Today we were once again amazed at the resilience of our daughter. We were worried that she would be timid,scared or worried about going to a strange place and being left there without us. When you adopt a child that has the history that our daughter does you worry about things like this, maybe every parent worries but we felt like we were worried a bit more then normal. It was all for nothing our girl did GREAT! When we got up this morning she was ready to go. Usually she likes to linger in her PJ's and eat breakfast several hours after getting up. This morning she wanted to get dressed right away and asked me for oatmeal for breakfast. We stood at the counter making her oatmeal together, talking about what to expect when we get to school. She was so happy and excited about what was in front of her at school. When we got there she could barely wait to get out of the car. She held my hand as we walked into school and down the long hall to her classroom.The school that she is attending does preschool through the 8th grade.Today was the first day back from Christmas brake so there were kids, parents and teachers everywhere you looked. Sophia was not at all intimidated by all of this.She smiled at everyone we passed in the hall. When we reached the door to her classroom we were greeted by one of the two teachers for her class, Miss Sharon. She was very pleasant and got right down on Sophia's level to talk to her. Sophia was very excited to show Miss Sharon her lunch box and the banana that we had sent with her for snack time. Miss Sharon helped Sophia with placing her snack in the "Snack Basket" across the room from the door where we were standing. Sophia went happily with her and then placed her bag in her cubby hole that has her name on it. She then came over to us and I helped her hang her coat on the hook that had her picture on it. She kissed us and said by by mommy and daddy. We left without any tears from her or us, amazing I know. I will admit once in the car I got a little misty at the thought of my baby starting school. Riz and I took that time to go have breakfast and then run some errands. About 1 1/2 hours into it the school called and Sophia was ready to be picked up. Once she realized we were gone she had a bit of a melt down. It wasn't until about an hour after they called that we got the message, so by the time we got to the school to pick her up she was happily working with the other kids in her class. We could see thorough the window that she was fine so we decided to let her finish out her day without interruption. We waited for her in the adjoining classroom so she would not see us and get distracted. When it was time for the class to be dismissed the teacher had all the kids stand in the hall and hold onto a rope. Then they all walked holding the rope to the outside toddler activity area. We peaked out the door to see her, she was first in line and bossing everyone around. This is what we heard "time to go" "time to go outside" "hold the rope kids" "stay in line kids" WOW! how did she get so bossy? LOL. In reality it was great to see that she was so excited and confident in the morning. It was even good that she had a "Melt Down" when she realized we were gone. From the point of view of attachment and bonding that is a good thing. We are of course happy that she recovered and enjoyed her first day. When we went to the toddler activity area to pick her up she saw us but kept right on playing with the other kids. She was busy picking up sticks and putting them into a wheelbarrow with an other little girl. They also have Chickens and Bunnies that all the kids just love to play with, Sophia included. Finally when she came over to us she said "mommy baby(meaning herself)cried, but is OK now" then ran off to play some more. A few minutes later she came back and asked if she could come tomorrow. I said of course baby you can come back tomorrow. She turned gave her teacher, Miss Helen, a hug, picked up her lunch box and took my hand. As we left the parking lot of the school she waved at the school and said "Don't go anywhere school, be back tomorrow" all while waving her finger in the air... So all in all I would say Sophia's first day of school was a big success. now lets see how day number two goes, I hope as well as the first..LOL
Sophia's favorite TV Show is Little Bill
Already for school
Sophia's classroom
Update : Tonight Sophia talked on an on about school. Sh sat fo 45 minutes writing her name with Riz and then when I took her to bed she told me Mommy no want to go to school anymore. OH NO tomorrow is going to be harder then today I can see it now LOL...
Love the new blog, keep up the good work! And I am soooo glad that today went well, and am hoping tomorrow works itself out well, too! lol
Well done all three of you!
ReplyDeleteI have the summer hoildays here and so Alice doesn't have Daycare at all. Today and everyday she asks if a daycare day then the other day she said I don't want to go to daycare! Oh dear they are fickle!
Hugs Ruth in NZ
Ahh... Sophia looks so grown up! I'm glad her first day went well! She certainly sounded ready!